Woman know your place
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after 6 years, maybe looking for a new church/religion..
by orbison11 inany suggestions, just thinking that my spiritual person is dying and need to feed her:).
i am terrified of churches, etc, due to my jw time,,,so any input would be well received from my friends here.
Do your acquaintances know you?re a JW (or former witness)?
by senselessly sane ini remember deliberately not telling people when i was growing up, and cringing when my mom made an effort to tell my teachers.
although i no longer hide it, there are still people i consider friends who do not know i grew up jw.
sometimes it?s just that the subject of religion does not come up often, and when it does, it would be weird to say something now after i?ve known someone for years and have never mentioned it.
Does Our Being A JW At One Time Mean That We Now Have "Baggage"?
by minimus indo you think we're "damaged goods" now?
The theocratic week of a "spiritual" JW (brown nosing Arse kisser)
by DaCheech in6:00pm: eat .
6:00pm: eat .
6:00pm: eat .
Elder visits after disassociating?
by davidsf ini heard that after a jw has been disfellowshipped, elders will still periodically visit the person, once a year?, to see if his situation has changed and might be interested in studying again.
my question is, what if a jw disassociated himself?
some elders i have been avoiding for 10+ years discovered where i live and tried to visit me.
have you done things BECAUSE they were condemned by the WTS?
by doogie inhey guys,.
since leaving, has anyone done anything specifically because it was condemned by the society?.
- i went and got a tattoo (i had wanted one anyway, but really enjoyed it since it was a no-no...i'm getting a big'n next week...).
Do you believe in God?
by XBEHERE inafter reading the wt for last week's lesson on god's creative works i couldnt help but think that there really is a god, there has to be.
i dont want to start a creation vs. evolution debate but you have to agree that its an extremely remote chance that the whole universe, the planets, stars, the sun, the earth, the animals, humans came about by accident.
i mean, what the chances really.
Is There ANYTHING That You Still Believe In From The JWs?
by minimus indo you believe in hell again?
the trinity?
the "slave"?